• Captain Eric’s Super Thumb Feature Presentation

    ...fabulous action packed JANISH editions of GameCola, Captain Eric has something special lined up. This month I will be listing, in order of my favorites, 10 games. These are just...

  • Super Smash Bros. Brawl (Wii)

    ...offers a new perspective? I would like to start off by thanking Zach for making the competition to write this review exciting and by dedicating this review to him. We...

  • Q&AmeCola: Favourite Game-within-a-Game

    Almost every genre of gaming offers their own spin on the game-within-a-game concept: Space Quest‘s Astro Chicken… Deponia‘s Platypus Bataka… Mario Party‘s Pick a Rope… Final Fantasy‘s Chocobo Racing… World...

  • Captain Eric’s Cheat Codes for Life

    Captain Eric Regan offers readers advice on their videogame-related life disasters. Dear Captain Eric, I recently broke my PS2 controller, and I need to get a new one. Unfortunately, I...

  • Default Thumbnail

    Captain Eric’s Cheat Codes for Life

    Captain Eric Regan offers GameCola readers advice on their videogame-related dilemmas. Dear Captain Eric, I think I have a problem. I used to pride myself as a retro gamer. I...

  • [NSFW] One Whole Unit Blood (PC)

    ...bunch of the lower enemies, but highly impractical in a LOT of situations the game offers. The Shotgun. Probably the closest thing to trustworthy the game offers, but it is...

  • Ceville (PC)

    ...by not having Ceville refuse to do certain tasks because he’s evil, and evil people don’t, say, offer assistance to others). In addition, Ceville offers several innovations that seriously imply...

  • The Legend of Zelda: Spirit Tracks (DS)

    ...airship and then downshifting to a canoe, which is precisely why Spirit Tracks offers more to keep you busy while spending eternity getting from A to B—and that’s precisely why...

  • Rock Band (X360)

    ...with) and every Hero game since. But Rock Band offers forth its evil Band Tour Mode, which is my biggest hate in the whole of music gaming. It sure as...

  • Tennis in the Face (iPhone)

    ...in a newly-released iOS game. Bottom line: Tennis in the Face was fun, and while it doesn’t quite capture the magic of other (more bird-themed) iOS games, it offers a...