Archive for Tag: babies
GC Podcast #51: Just Another Podcast
Podcasts by Alex Jedraszczak on
Singing, talking about Disney cartoons, and sometimes mentioning videogames.
Punt Babies in Hothead’s New iOS Game!
News Posts by Paul Franzen on
From the press release: In [Kickin Momma], players control Momma as she aims and drop-kicks her babies into a shiny field of jewels and gems! Once launched into the air, Momma's helpful children will
GC Podcast #30: Age in Videogames
Podcasts by Alex Jedraszczak on
In celebration of The GameCola Podcast turning 30, Alex Jedraszczak, Paul Franzen, Christian Porter, and Matt Jonas discuss the touchy topic of age in videogames. Are videogames agist? Good question,
Captain Eric’s Psychic Thumb Feature Presentation
Columns by Eric Regan on
Captain Eric is BACK with all-new predictions just in time for...wait, where are we? When are we?!
Minus the Pudding: The Best of Xbox Live Indie Games
Columns by Paul Franzen on
I received a lot of criticism for my last edition of "Minus the Pudding," in which I alternately defined the word chefoo as "a made-up word," "a missed opportunity," and "a really great Xbox Live Indie Game." This upset a lot of people—especially one reader in particular who e-mailed me several helpful suggestions for where he thought I could stick my chefoo—because none of those definitions are actually correct.
Dear Readers: Old People, Women, Babies, and Monkeys
Columns by Paul Franzen on
So I was trying to come up with an idea for Dear Readers, and I thought to myself, "Wouldn't it be great if I could melt people's faces together? To create one freak-face?"