Archive for Tag: Diana Gray
The 2017 GameCola Videogame Awards (Part 2)
Columns by Alex Jedraszczak on
There's no Ace Attorney game this year, so you'll have to read the article to find out what our Game of the Year was!
The 2017 GameCola Videogame Awards (Part 1)
Columns by Alex Jedraszczak on
At last, it's complete! The awards that you've been waiting seven-and-a-half months for are here.
Stardew Valley Multiplayer is Here!
Blog Posts by Diana Gray on
Do you want to play Stardew Valley with your friends? Well, look no further, multiplayer is finally here!
MAGFest Wrapup – How to Get Your University to Pay for a Convention Trip
Blog Posts by Diana Gray on
Di discusses her time at MAGFest 2018, including conducting interviews, panels, and videogames. Lots of those.
GC Podcast #117: Nintendo Labo and The Second Xeno
Podcasts by Joseph Martin on
There's new things to have opinions on! Let the GameCola Podcast give you the scoop on how to feel.
Fire Emblem: Warriors – Thoughts on Villains and the Art of Storytelling
Blog Posts by Diana Gray on
Diana gives you her thoughts on the storytelling and villain reveal of her latest obsession, Fire Emblem: Warriors.
Mystic Messenger 2.0 – The V Edition
Blog Posts by Diana Gray on
Not caught up on hot dating sim news? Diana brings you the latest from Mystic Messenger!
The 2016 GameCola Videogame Awards (Part 2)
Columns by Alex Jedraszczak on
If you're familiar with GameCola, you already know what 2016's big winner is.