Archive for Tag: FMV
Inside the Guide: 2 Minute Mysteries
Columns by Michael Gray on
Michael's motivation to write GameFAQs guides include laziness and mermaids.
[NSFW] Jurassic Park (SCD)
Reviews by Travis Combs on
If you’re reading this, I’m just a scientist. I’m no goddamn superhero or bulked-up super-soldier. I was just flying over Jurassic Park, looking to do some research after the horrible events of that mediocre movie and its two shitty sequels. Then, my helicopter crashed. I’ll have to go into the mansion outside Raccoon Ci—wait, hold up, wrong helicopter crash, wrong game.
Police Quest 4: Open Season (PC)
Reviews by Frank Jacobs on
Imagine if there was a game that had all the basic elements of a decent adventure game, but with none of the cues, hints, or logic of any ordinary game of the genre.
Stonekeep (PC)
Reviews by Frank Jacobs on
A classic of PC gaming, if you can get past the MIDIs and live-action FMVs.
Minus the Pudding: The Best of Xbox Live Indie Games
Columns by Paul Franzen on
A round-up of the very few Xbox Live Indie Games that aren't soduku, including Don't Be Nervous Talking to Girls, Kissy Poo, and more.
Reviews by Steve Hamner on
The company that brought us no end of great Tony Hawk titles now joins hombres like Clint Eastwood...with its new third-person shooter, GUN.
[NSFW] Bram Stoker’s Dracula (SCD)
Reviews by Matt Wright on
The game's box is infinitely more scary, entertaining, and well-made than anything this game can deliver.