Archive for Tag: Nathaniel Hoover
Sprite Flicker: Turkeyvania
Comics by Nathaniel Hoover on
A webcomic by Nathaniel Hoover.
Impaired Closed Captioning: Super Mario Bros. 2
Columns by Nathaniel Hoover on
In early 2010, Google introduced a Transcribe Audio feature to YouTube that translated all speech in a video into useful captions mangled the heck out of my Mega Man videos, telling my viewers that "w
Installing Older Games on Vista
Videos by Nathaniel Hoover on
Quick! While it's still vaguely relevant! Check out Michael Gray's immensely helpful and not-actually-funny-at-all guide to installing old (I.e. fun) games on Windows Vista, which nobody uses anymore
GameCola Halloween 2009
Videos by Nathaniel Hoover on
In the longer-than-expected and excuse-laden hiatus between the final issue of GameCola and our triumphant return as a real website, everyone pretty much thought we were dead. GameCola's legacy lived
GC Podcast #31: Metroid, or: Don’t Go Camping with Nathaniel
Podcasts by Alex Jedraszczak on
This time, on The GameCola Podcast! Nathaniel Hoover, Mark Freedman, Michael Ridgaway, and Alex Jedraszczak join forces to discuss the entire Metroid series! And, this time, the people involved in the
Formal Warning to Dr. Albert Wily
Blog Posts by Nathaniel Hoover on
Dear Dr. Albert Wily, The Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) has completed its assessment of your company's place of business at 1 Skull Castle Way. We regret to inform you that your
GameCola Ad
Videos by Nathaniel Hoover on
You look bored. Why, have you heard of It’s a lovely website that—oh, wait. You’re already here. Well, show this video to somebody else, and maybe they’ll come here, too. Or maybe they’ll run away screaming. It’s hard to tell.
Muramasa: The Demon Blade (Wii)
Reviews by Nathaniel Hoover on
Motion controls? Bah! Fancy-pants three-dee graphics? Who needs 'em? Back in my day, we felt lucky if we had two buttons to press and could tell the hero apart from an 8-bit ketchup stain. The crafty