SAVE THE DATE: GameCola’s 10th Anniversary Podtacular!

10 years' worth of celebration. 10 hours of podcasting. And it starts—at 10 AM.

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gcstaff10 years’ worth of celebration. 10 hours of podcasting. And it starts—at 10 AM. It’s the long-awaited sequel to 999101010!

I mean, no! It’s GameCola’s 10th Anniversary Podtacular!

This is your official save the date. April 22, 2012, is the 10-year anniversary of when I opened up a page on Yahoo Groups and decided “hey, I’d like to write about videogames.” I was in high school at the time, and our “staff” consisted of my best friend, my girlfriend, and basically anybody else from Shawnee who wanted to join. The site’s been a part of my life through high school, through college, through entering the real world and getting a job, and even into my newfound wedded bliss. It’s been with all of us from the GameCube-era though the launch of “the next-gen” (now known as “the gen”), from the fall of the adventure game genre to its eventual resurrection, from “Kingdom Hearts is the Game of the Year!” to “I wish they’d stop making Kingdom Hearts.

10 years’ worth of ‘Cola. Kinda makes me wanna burp.

A bunch of high school nerds that founded GameCola in 2002.

We will be streaming the podcast LIVE on our uStream channel, starting at 10 AM on April 22, 2012—interacting with our fans in the chatroom, making great goofs wherein we role-play as the main characters of Tetris and Metroid or perhaps threaten to kill you personally, and trying desperately to come up with things to talk about for 10 hours. (Well, eight hours, anyway—there’s still some mileage left in Phoenix Wright shipping, right?)

Our host Jeddy will be there for the full show, with a new set of GameCola contributors at the top of each hour. Already on the guest list are:

  • Paul Franzen!
  • Christian Porter!
  • Nathaniel Hoover!
  • Michael Gray!
  • Matt Gardner!
  • Eric Regan!
  • Stuart Gipp!
  • Colin Greenhalgh!
  • Making his podcast debut, webmaster Kevin Leacock!
  • GameCola alums, including Shawn Sackenheim and Brian Vanek! (You remember them, right?)

And, you! Yes, YOU! During the 5PM hour, we’ll be opening up the Skype lines to The GameCola Faithful. Wanna join the party? E-mail your Skype username and/or telephone number to, and you just might get a call from some of the scratchiest beards in gaming.

APRIL 22, 2012. 10 YEARS. 10 HOURS. 10 AM. (Eastern Daylight Time.) BE THERE.

Missed the podcast? You can still listen to THE WHOLE THING, RIGHT NOW:

Podcast Navigation: | Hour 1 | Hour 2 | Hour 3 | Hour 4 | Hour 5 | Hour 6 | Hour 7 | Hour 8 | Hour 9 | Hour 10 |

Please do listen to THE WHOLE THING, RIGHT NOW, because otherwise we’ll continue speaking to you in ALL CAPS.

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About the Contributor

From 2002 to 2013


  1. I will definitely be there. I’m pretty psyched. There will be Phoenix Wright talk, right Paul?
    *checks the list of people again* Oh hey, Matt Gardner? Can’t wait to say my famous quote from podcast 45 in person. 🙂

  2. I wanna play, but I think I’ll be at work. I’ll mess around with the works computer and see if I can make it stop raping mother earth and start doing podcasts (Rig Pirate Radio!) but this is doubtful. I’ll find a way to listen if I can’t find a way to talk 🙂

    1. If you had your iPhone handy, you could also use the Skype app there! …Not that I’d suggest podcasting on your iPhone when you’re supposed to be working, of course…

      1. At this moment in time there is no wifi here so I can’t get internet on my phone. I can get it on my laptop but there’s no sound (?)
        I’ve got two weeks to rectify this however so – cue funky porn music – let me get my wrench out and see what I can do.

  3. I just noticed that obvious reference to me in this article “perhaps threaten to kill you personally…” 🙂
    You’ll have to remind me, I don’t know if I’ll remember to say it.

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