• SNK Arcade Classics Vol. 1 (Wii)

    ...SNK is certainly something that benefits from a cheap little disc like this. Raise your hand if you remember the Neo-Geo. OK, now raise your hand if you remember the...

  • WiiWare Review (July 2008)

    ...timed button pressing, which can be really fun head to head with a friend. Less so with the AI, which requires you to use cheap power-ups and luck to win....

  • Submissions (April 2007)

    ...and can still be purchased new. If you happen to be interested in Bronkie specifically, you can call this number to order it: 1-800-243-5864. No kidding. The Poor Player’s Paradise...

  • Castlevania: Symphony of the Night (XBLA)

    ...I’ve said my piece. The numbers add up. For 800 Microsoft Points, take away a challenging Live Arcade title that accurately delivers the same gameplay we know and love. A...

  • WiiWare Review (June 2008)

    ...repetitive and annoying as the limited number of enemy variations, and the boss battles are almost boring. SAVE YOUR POINTS, especially if you are a shooter fan.” June 9th, 2008...

  • Fabricated News: Registering for GDC 2010

    The Game Developers Conference is being held in San Francisco next week. I’m the only GameCola staff member on the West Coast, and I’m the main news guy for some...

  • GameStop to Become Obsolete

    ...this week in San Francisco. Here’s my first report: GameStop to Become Obsolete. That was the theme of Nintendo President Satoru Iwata’s keynote address on Wednesday. Here are the hard-hitting...

  • E3: Day One

    So I was flipping through the San Jose Mercury News in order to see the comics, when I found an E3 Day One Recap (the Mercury News has shrunk to...

  • Gamera Obscura: Asmik-kun Land

    Over 8 million people purchased Halo 3. Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas sold a whopping 12 million. And Nintendo can’t defecate out Pokémon and “Wii Insert Random Thing To Do...

  • Rush 2: Extreme Racing USA (N64)

    Rush 2, the sequel to San Francisco Rush, has left the city. The new cities to race in include Los Angeles, New York, Hawaii, Las Vegas, and more. You can...