• Blazing Dragons (PS1)

    ...I highly recommend it for anyone looking for a cheap laugh. You cynical folk who laugh at nothing but the misfortune of others might wanna steer clear of it, though....

  • Quantum Geek: Episode 5 – Tom Sandwich

    ...a police officer’s uniform with the word S.T.A.R.S emblazoned across the front. “Aww crap,” he muttered to himself. Rick’s voice boomed in his head. “All right, Tom, looks like you’re...

  • Don’t Be That Guy: The Noob-hater

    ...players they frequently find online. But if they’re brought down by a guy hiding in a corner in any shooting game…that’s a real problem. “That’s cheap! That’s not the way...

  • Poor Player’s Paradise

    In this flagging economy you need escapism, and you need it on the cheap. I’m just the cheapskate who’ll find it for you. Deal-seekers (Over $20) PS3 owners could do...

  • 0wning the Competition: Wii Blaster

    ...On the other hand, I suppose I can understand why it was designed like this. This design holds one thing over most other accessories for most other consoles: It’s cheap....

  • Digital Championship Wrestling: Link vs. Toan

    ...Folks, believe it or not, that’s it! After a shaky start Link went on to absolutely DOMINATE his imitator, showing the world that even he can defeat a cheap rip-off....

  • Chains (PC)

    ...a finite existence, and fail to mature naturally as a human being; and they’re unpretentious. Cheap graphics with smooth animation? Yep. Cheap and catchy music? Awesome. Much more playable than...

  • Crackdown (X360)

    Crackdown is huge. It’s the game I hold accountable for inventing the “Magic City Man” genre. That’s one thing I love about it—sandbox freedom. I’ll probably never get all 700...

  • Skirt Lift (iPod Touch)

    “Get an iPod Touch,” I was told. “The games are inexpensive, and there is something for everyone.” Well pardon me, disembodied voice. Not all of the decent games are cheap,...

  • Ys Seven (PSP)

    ...common complaints… Complaint #1: The game is too hard/Some of the bosses are cheap. My response: Unless you’re a wussy turn-based RPG player who was tricked into buying the game...