• Gamera Obscura: Lamers

    ...duty is to kill them instead. SAY WHAT? Yup. In each level, you are given a limited number of ways to kill them: a specified amount of bombs, gunshots, land...

  • Star Fox 64 3D (3DS)

    ...to disable the warlord Andross who threatens to engulf the Lylat System in death and destruction. The game consists of a number of on-rails shooter levels where the player pilots...

  • Can With Oil (iPhone)

    ...Oil is a perfect example of this. Beautiful HD graphics. Can With Oil is an iPhone game which…oh man, I’m not sure I can explain it. I don’t think I...

  • Power Gloves & Tinfoil Hats: Case #002

    Endless Pokémon Most Beautiful “…from so simple a beginning endless forms most beautiful and most wonderful have been, and are being, evolved.” – Charles Darwin on Pokémon With the number...

  • Ghost Puzzle (iPad)

    ...not so endless. Last is the Score Attack Mode, where the player must destroy a set number of ghosts in a set number of turns, for points. This mode has...

  • Three Things: Top GameFAQs Contributors

    1. As you may know, I’ve written a good number of guides for GameFAQs over the years. I even have a spot on their unofficial (and now-defunct) Hall of Fame...

  • Metal Dead (PC)

    ...city. Their search leads them to the offices of the MediGeniTech company, where they encounter a number of other, mostly sane, survivors and proceed to solve a number of puzzles...

  • Kirby’s Return to Dreamland (Wii)

    ...creatures whole and obtain their powers or skills. Dreamland Wii features a small number of abilities. Some are new, though most are returning abilities from older titles. Compared to the...

  • Q&AmeCola: Your First Game

    ...up to the screen. Wasn’t that just a generic romp through Nostalgia World? (Jeff is the author of “Gamera Obscura.”) Christian Porter Number Magic The year was 1984. I was...

  • [NSFW] … of the Month: Samurai 4’s “Surprise”

    ...READ THE ARTICLE. Samurai Sex Sim Surprise of the Month… An Old Friend in Way of the Samurai 4 Looks like Number 4 is when a series stops and asks,...