• Gamera Obscura: Lamers

    ...mines, and machine gun rounds. With those at your disposal, you have to kill a certain number of lamers to pass to the next level. And that’s pretty much the...

  • Star Fox 64 3D (3DS)

    ...in-game route. There are three main routes, but you can drop in or out of them depending on the actions you perform. For instance, travelling through intergalactic space portals can...

  • Can With Oil (iPhone)

    ...Oil is a perfect example of this. Beautiful HD graphics. Can With Oil is an iPhone game which…oh man, I’m not sure I can explain it. I don’t think I...

  • Power Gloves & Tinfoil Hats: Case #002

    Endless Pokémon Most Beautiful “…from so simple a beginning endless forms most beautiful and most wonderful have been, and are being, evolved.” – Charles Darwin on Pokémon With the number...

  • Ghost Puzzle (iPad)

    ...not so endless. Last is the Score Attack Mode, where the player must destroy a set number of ghosts in a set number of turns, for points. This mode has...

  • Three Things: Top GameFAQs Contributors

    1. As you may know, I’ve written a good number of guides for GameFAQs over the years. I even have a spot on their unofficial (and now-defunct) Hall of Fame...

  • Metal Dead (PC)

    ...city. Their search leads them to the offices of the MediGeniTech company, where they encounter a number of other, mostly sane, survivors and proceed to solve a number of puzzles...

  • Kirby’s Return to Dreamland (Wii)

    ...Kirby titles. Personally, I expected something more than just reusing an old formula. There is nothing new on offer here besides a few challenge rooms. Oh, who am I kidding—Nintendo’s...

  • GC Podcast #41: No More Phoenix Wright!

    The GameCola Podcast is back! This is GameCola Podcast number 41! You know, that podcast where we talk about videogames… Like Phoenix Wright! Previous topics have included Phoenix Wright, Apollo...

  • 101010, Chapter 3: Meet the Players

    ...he could pick out a few distinctive voices among the mix, but he wasn’t entirely sure. Abruptly Paul stumbled into a large room with eight other very familiar people crowded...