• WiiWare Review (August 2008)

    ...to support some truly great artists/writers and developers.” August 18th, 2008 Midnight Pool, Gameloft, 800 points. 2-Players, Pseudo-Sports. “Come on, it’s pool. If you’re into pool, and you know who...

  • Dear Readers: The Greatest GameCola Writer of All Time

    ...characters, great battle system (no trying to run away 800 times before you are successful), no random encounters in dungeons, capsule monsters to feed and raise, two bonus game modes,...

  • Mid-Boss: The Cost of XBLA Games

    ...Live Arcade titles on the basis that they should cost 800 or less. You’re educated sorts. You can already see the fatal flaws in this hypothesis. Even so, when Mid-Boss...

  • Rocket Knight (PC)

    ...not even worth 800. It’s not even worth 400, for Christ’s sake. Less than an hour for 1200 MSP. That’s a fucking insult. But, that’s still not why this game...

  • Scene It? Box Office Smash (X360)

    I wish my couch could fly. I mean, think about it. You’re on your couch, chillin’ out with your buddies, but suddenly you run out of beer. You can’t just...

  • Me & My Katamari (PSP)

    I tend to write a lot. All in favour of a short review say aye. Aye. Where Katamari Damacy greatly innovates, Me & My Katamari thoroughly improves. By its very...

  • Tony Hawk’s American Wasteland (X360)

    ...got through the review without mentioning Achievements. An easy 800-900 for non-seasoned Hawkers, and two Achievements that might be tricky or difficult for anybody who hasn’t grown up on the...

  • Q&AmeCola: Movie Games

    With all the quality reviews, delightful columns, and hard-hitting game journalism you can find here at GameCola, it’s sometimes hard to believe that the site’s written by regular people like...

  • Gamer Girlfriend: Lessons in Gaming

    ...new Ace Attorney game, to name but a few. "Miles Edgeworth is a god among men. Also, thank you for flying with iFly Airlines today." Now, the more observant among...

  • Guitar Hero Smash Hits (X360)

    ...as a gauge showing how many stars you’ve earned). It’s not offering anything substantial, unless this were a website about promoting hideous videogames, wherein writers could say the exact opposite...