• This Week in Virtual Console

    ...he also promised to write a brand-new column called This Week in Virtual Console! In this column, he reviews all the latest Virtual Console games, which is good, because GameCola...

  • Two Worlds II Rocks Out

    ...say I like it. Anyway! SouthPeak has released the latest in its series of ads for Two Worlds II, which utilizes the often-ignored marketing tactic of “Gee, wasn’t our last...

  • Dora the Explorer: Swiper’s Big Adventure (PC)

    ...games directed towards kids just as much as I play the latest adult-orientated crime thrillers, visceral shooters, and the surreal Japanese obscurities. I generally play everything, so it’s No Surprize...

  • The GameCola Interview: Abraham Lincoln

    ...column. The first installment? Staff writer Matt Jonas interviews his brother about the latest Sonic the Hedgehog game. We call it “The Jonas Brothers Talk Videogames”, get lots of new...

  • Default Thumbnail

    Gamer Girlfriend: Alley Cat 2: Rise of the Ninja Kitty

    ...curiosity has gotten her into other situations as well. We have gone through about half of our glassware since getting her, and after the latest incident, which took place less...


    ...You heard it here! If everyone who’s reading this post goes out and buys a copy of THQ’s latest game (which, I’m looking it up right now, is Sherlock Holmes...

  • Sordahon’s Journey Continues

    The latest in SouthPeak’s series of “You should buy Two Worlds II because Two Worlds I was really bad” ads has hit the Internets, and you can check it out...

  • GC Podcast #33: 3D Games

    ...latest games, right? https://gamecola.net/podcasts/2010-12-12-GCPodcast33.mp3 Hey, did you notice? We had listener comments on the podcast! If you actually know how the 3DS works, or if you have any comments to...

  • Gamer Girlfriend: An Offer He Couldn’t Refuse

    ...the latest release? Adding titles to the already-twelve-page-long list in our GameFly queue? Late-night drive-by Pokémon downloads from the nearest GameStop without actually going into the store and purchasing anything?...

  • We Dare: Flirty Fun for Kids?

    ...find, plenty of other fan-made trailers are trying to bring sexy back, such as this Dead Island-inspired remix: However, that’s not the latest haps. The game has recently been rated...