• Dear Readers: Absolutely Real Message Board Posts

    ...well WHY every game on the 360 at least has the sub genre of rpg. Is madden 07 a sports game? yes is nba 2k7 a sports game? Yes but...

  • Cheat Codes for Life

    ...Games are among your favorite. I’m not going to be picky on the number of games, but try to stay around 3-5. Series of games can count as one, if...

  • Fabricated News: Super Mario Is Not So Super

    ...on Valentine’s Day. You can expect a review of a first-person shooter to contain any number of ridiculously pretentious phrases like “life-changing journey,” “all-encompassing experience,” “hyphen-using adventure,” or if they’re...

  • Attack of the Clones: Sonic the Hedgehog (Part 2)

    ...large number of expansive stages—with a great little twist at the halfway point. See? Unlike last issue’s woeful Awesome Possum, this critter can actually back up his claim of radical-ness....

  • The Beatles: Rock Band (X360)

    ...the total number of required USB devices for a full band is six devices. The Xbox 360 has three USB ports, so how Rock Band tackled the four USB instruments...

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    Avenue Flo (Mac)

    ...the music was correspondingly upbeat and happy-sounding. There was even a big, splashy musical number at the beginning, in which all the characters got together and sang all about how...

  • The Ten Reasons: Decade Edition

    ...best games were mostly a complete surprise. In May, there were surpise announcements about a number of games, including Tales of Monkey Island, Super Mario Bros. Wii and Professor Layton...

  • The Dark Spire (DS)

    ...you can likewise disable the button that shows the automap. There are a number of not-so-optional retro elements to the gameplay. Take, for example, weapons and armor. Their effects are...

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    New GameCola Slogan

    ...to suggestions. END QUOTE Well, obviously, Paul doesn’t remember the results of The Great GameCola Slogan Contest that I personally presided over last year. We had a number of great...

  • A Boy and His Blob (Wii)

    ...solve the puzzle at hand. Add to that the fact that there are a number of bosses that require quick reflexes, something that the Boy is severely lacking in, and...