• Localization Anxiety: Nintendo World Cup

    ...looks exactly the same. The game only changes the palette colors depending on the team you’re selecting. That just feels a little cheap to me. This is how the USA,...

  • Shovel Knight (PC)

    ...can see the cards up his sleeves. It’s too late; we know too much. We know where babies come from. Kickstarter smash-hit Shovel Knight is one of many, many games...

  • Submissions (January 2007)

    ...Mode For some reason, Paul responding to whatever Neal said read very very weird and lame. I’m sorry, but I think you got your ass handed to you on this...

  • Scratching the Itch.io #18

    ...modes—one where you take command over large-scale operations, and another where you lead individual missions. It looks like the developers took a lot of care to be historically accurate, or...

  • Cheat Codes for Life

    ...most of what Sega came out with in the last twenty years. Gamers by and large are overweight sedentary sorts who don’t like to move. One new system isn’t going...

  • Low-Rent Adventures in Japan: Diary of a Deadline

    ...Except here it’s a pretty large franchise, so there’s not as much rotten sausage and items with their expiration dates marked out. Now, I’ve always been cheap (or to euphemism:...

  • Nidhogg (PC)

    ...points with me on the social scale, but it also doesn’t lose any points. It is just the sum of its parts, no more or less. At last we finally...

  • [NSFW] Beyond Oasis (SG)

    ...games that both systems shared, the gaming experience is almost as different as night and day. On the flipside, I sometimes wonder if Sega diehards ever lamented not having a...

  • The 2014 GameCola Videogame Awards (Part 1)

    A note from Alex “Jeddy” Jedraszczak, GameCola’s Editor-in-Chief: Aha! Here we are again! It seems like it was only a year ago that I was handling the GameCola Videogame Awards...

  • The 2014 GameCola Videogame Awards (Part 2)

    ...also not be surprising as a winner, considering how much the community here at GameCola raves about the latter’s series and enjoys the former’s series. What’s surprising about the whole...