• Game Reviews by Christian Porter, Age 9

    ...of each journal consisted of me talking about videogames that I hate and how to get good ones for cheap. So, since things haven’t really changed in the last 20...

  • Q&AmeCola: Sports Games

    ...look at our staff’s personal opinions on serious issues. Serious issues like the following: What is your favorite sports videogame? Kate Jay California Games The last actual sports game we...

  • Fruit Ninja (iPhone)

    ...can be. For the ludicrously cheap price of $1, you’re getting your money’s worth, guaranteed. Fruit Ninja got through to me in a way that so few games have managed...

  • Crash Bandicoot: The Wrath of Cortex (MXB)

    ...He seems like he glides through the stages. The camera sometimes fails to keep up, causing you to inadvertently spring straight into an enemy or obstacle just around the corner....

  • The War of the Worlds (XBLA)

    ...Arthur’s movements can be pedantic and troublesome. The added stumble after rolling can be considered a clever realistic touch showing weight to the character’s movements. It can also be the...

  • Sonic 3D Blast (SG)

    ...that can also be obtained whilst carrying the Flickies. If Sonic is hurt whilst he’s guiding them to the exit, then they scatter. You can imagine how annoying that can...

  • Brink (X360)

    ...maddeningly difficult, as various checkpoints you can capture throughout the game may restore your ammo, but you can’t respawn at them. In fact, you can’t respawn anywhere except your very...

  • Crash Twinsanity (MXB)

    ...cartoons from the golden era of Cartoon Network. There are so many great moments. The script is the same tongue-in-cheek style shared by No More Heroes, but with less smut...

  • This Week in ‘Cola: Hurricane Preparedness Edition

    ...the last time we had a special guest star, anyway? • GameSpot revealed more information about Quantum Conundrum, the new game from the former lead of Portal. Also, Capcom revealed...

  • Alt-Play: Jason Rohrer Anthology (DSiWare)

    ...yours to choose. You can opt to find a loved one and spend the whole game exploring together with your spouse, or you can search for treasures and rewards in...