• Starbound (PC)

    ...title screen, I’m done. Starbound is an awesome and award winning game—even GameCola gave it some sort of award, I hear—that took 2013 by storm despite being at the tail...

  • Bomberman Hero (N64)

    ...repetitive and have similar layouts to other levels, making it feel like a drag. You’ll ask yourself, “Wait, didn’t I just do the same thing on the last planet like...

  • Primordia (PC)

    ...floating rectangle with claws breaks in. It shoots Horatio with a laser and steals the ship’s power core. The trail leads to the city of Metropol, and what started off...

  • Scratching the Itch.io #6

    Welcome back to another wonderful edition of “Scratching the Itch.io”! In this column, I, Alex Jedraszczak, do the dirty work of sifting through all of the latest games to bring...

  • Catmouth Island: Episode 1 (PC)

    The GameCola Faithful may recall that I mentioned this game on a previous edition of “Scratching the Itch.io“. You may also recall that I had certain misgivings about the price...

  • That’s So Cliché: Exodus Edition

    ...I am reporting for duty for the last time today. It’s been an interesting ride, but I’ve taken a better offer at a supermarket handing out samples of aerosol cheese...

  • [NSFW-ish] Dungeon Keeper (PC)

    ...who don’t live on the internet—I always had a fondness for Dungeon Keeper. Ah yes, those lazy weekends of sitting at my old Windows 98 computer while torturing my captive...

  • Inside the Guide: Where’s My Money?

    ...different guides, and today, I’m going to start off with the number one, most frequently asked question by potential guide writers. Q: Will I get paid to write a guide?...

  • Westerado: Double Barreled (PC)

    ...buffalo ranchers, and a number of other people living in this bygone era. Each playthrough changes the game based on the quests you complete and your actions through the game....

  • The Big Day, 2015!

    On the last podcast, we talked about all the holidays that happen in April—April Fools’ Day, Easter, Anna’s birthday, GameCola’s birthday…but, we forgot one! That’s right: Today is Jeddy’s GameCola...