• Hacks’n’Slash #8: Thanksgiving Special

    Happy Thanksgiving, one and all! Whether you live in a country that celebrates Thanksgiving today or not, GameCola is bringing you something to be thankful for—a Thanksgiving-themed Sonic and Mario...

  • HarmoKnight (3DS)

    ...of the level, but the soundtrack as a whole could have benefited from a greater variety. Oh, and Pokémon music is available as bonus stages, kinda forgot to mention that....

  • My Forged Wedding – Party

    ...game, the battles will be slightly easier! As an added bonus, half of the people on Facebook will unfriend me, because they are sick of getting game requests. I managed...

  • Cybernator (SNES)

    ...title Assault Suits Valken. The original version of the game is sweet, like mint chocolate chip ice cream. The only way you could make it any better would be to...

  • BREAKING: Dual Destinies Released on iOS (In America Too!)

    ...can be purchased individually or in a group. The bonus material (i.e., the DLC case, the costumes, and the Japan-only quizzes) is available also. That’s all I got for now....

  • New Super Mario Bros. U (Wii U)

    ...theme music that appears throughout the game in various places and styles. Some classic songs appear in bonus levels and areas. The sound direction is fairly basic, though, and Charles...

  • Scratching the Itch.io #4

    ...select games that are under $1. The developer must have changed the price between me selecting the game and actually writing about it, because it’s currently “name your own price”....

  • Rhythm Heaven (DS)

    ...“Great!” or an A ranking. Bonus stuff, like concept art or supplementary information. Satisfaction: This is the most important thing for a gamer to feel after playing. How satisfied are...

  • Elite Beat Agents (DS)

    ...the song. Sometimes you’ll have to drag the circles around a little bit, and sometimes you have to spin a spinner to get some bonus points. And that’s it. No,...

  • Frozen: Free Fall (iOS)

    ...completely awful, but no. They saved their bonus animation for an iOS game. The music in the game is not good. None of it comes from the movie’s award-winning soundtrack,...