• A Very GameCola Wedding

    ...were the in-game couple, but I’ve always identified more with Jeff, along with looking a HECK of a lot like him. Next we have my weddings vows, which I was...

  • Random Kickbacks

    ...an article about…wait for it…wait for it…Final Fantasy VI Advance. Can any of you readers see a connection between health inspector repots in Florida and FFVIA? Because I sure can’t....

  • Versus Mode: Real ID, 1 vs. 100, Rumble, and More

    ...1. Blizzard should not have caved on Real ID. Robert Pelloni: I can understand that some people have careers and identities to protect, and perhaps even secret gaming addictions to...

  • Me & My Katamari (PSP)

    ...of gameplay. That’s all that can really be said—ported well to the handheld system with minimal errors. Thanks to the casual nature of the trademark Katamari gameplay, the PSP edition...

  • E3 Day Two: Nintendo’s Press Conference

    ...the Nintendo 3DS is in 3D because the bottom screen is a touch screen. It comes with two cameras so you can take 3D pictures. It can play the latest...

  • Fat Princess Expanding; New Downloadable Content on the Way

    ...but also has some canon strike ability. Giant: Is giant. Can eat people, apparently. How will he fit through doors? How will they use all these special abilities, and how...

  • Dora the Explorer: Swiper’s Big Adventure (PC)

    ...account the other Dora the Explorer games on the PC, Game Boy Advance and Nintendo DS, you can instantly see the difference. Instead of pixellated screen captures from the cartoon,...

  • New Videogame Releases for the Week of June 27th, 2010

    Source: Joystick Division Sunday, June 27th: Sin and Punishment: Star Successor (Wii) Alcatraz (2010) (PC) Monday, June 28th: Jett Rocket (Wii) Date or Ditch (DS) Harley Davidson (Wii) Animal Color...

  • Catan (PS3-PSN)

    ...behavior could there be in Catan? The game supports online multiplayer, but not local multiplayer. Board game-based videogames are generally tough to play locally, since you can see your opponents’...

  • Rock Band (X360)

    ...fun too, I guess. Besides the single player and band modes, Rock Band also has online multiplayer, in both a band and against other players with the same instrument. All...