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    Digital Championship Wrestling: Mario vs. Sonic

    Paul: Hello everybody I'm Paul Franzen, alongside Eric "Super Thumb" Regan, and boy what a matchup we have for you today!

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    You Learn Something New Every Play: Online Gaming

    Everyone in life is not so lucky. Some people have a terrible social life and don't have many friends. Everyone at school hates them and they don't feel like they belong. The one place they can turn t

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    Dear Readers: Please Send Me Stuff for the Janish!

    Once again, it is that time of the year. School's back in session, it's getting colder outside (or at least I assume as much; the only times I go outside are when I need to collect sunlight in Boktai: The Sun is in Your Hands), and, apparently, football season is underway. Who knew? But none of that is what I'm here to discuss with you today. If you've been following GameCola since at least this past winter, you know we like to start off the year with something special, something we creatively refer to as "The January Issue", or the "Jan Ish", for short. In past year's we've enjoyed much success in being able to bulk up the special issues with oodles of special material, with our staff members bumping up their word count, submitting brand new feature columns, and working with me to put together the "GameCola Interactive Video Entertainment Awards". That's not all we do, though -- we also rely on you fans to send us letters, photographs, artwork, poetry, and especially guest reviews and top ten lists.

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    Dear Readers: GTA Didn’t Start at III.

    I read a joke in Electronic Gaming Monthly the other day that amused me

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    Dear Readers: Disjointed Thoughts

    I don't have anything to discuss this month that would take a paragraph or two to write out, so instead I'll be employing a writing style I've seen used on other sites, one commonly referred to as "disjointed thoughts". It's either that or another pictorial, and unfortunately, I am currently lacking in Luigi eggs.

  • Great Moments in Gaming #2

    You're playing Sonic the Hedgehog, having just purchased it for a small wad of your hard-earned. You begin. You fail to see what all the fuss is about. Just a typical platform game. As you doze off, you continue to run to the right, leaping pedestrian obstacles and avoiding predictable enemies, when suddenly -- you hit The Loop. THE LOOP. Your mind races to keep up with the INSANITY as Sonic does a 360 LOOP, violating all laws of physics and gravity. Your head swims. Your body shakes. Another loop. Is all it takes.

  • Versus Mode: Champions vs. Trivial Pursuit vs. Serious Sam

    If you’re like me, you have absolutely no interest in Soccom or other war-based games, and you’ve spent the better part of a year wondering Just What the Hell is There to Do with My PlayStation 2 Network Adaptor.  When I got the stupid thing all I had to go with it was some Tribes … Continue reading "Versus Mode: Champions vs. Trivial Pursuit vs. Serious Sam"

  • Captain Eric’s Super Thumb Feature Presentation

    Welcome to the inaugural edition of Super Thumbs! I, Captain Eric will be giving my onions of no less than FIVE games every month here for GAMECOLA. This month I have a range of games from the 90's th

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    The Gates of Life: Episode 15 – Gate Yellow

    Narrator: Yes, they get to the ship!

  • Versus Mode: Intellivision Lives!

    After writing this month's "Dear Readers" column, I tried once again to get my Intellivision up and running, and, much to my shock, I actually succeeded; so I thought it'd be fun to pick five of my ga