Archive for Tag: Mark Freedman
Q&AmeCola: Worst/Most Disappointing Endings
Columns by Mark Freedman on
What game's ending disappointed YOU the most?
The 2014 GameCola Videogame Awards (Part 2)
Columns by Alex Jedraszczak on
The most important event of the year—and, it's only January!
Super Bowl XLIX Predictions
Blog Posts by Mark Freedman on
I fired up my copy of Tecmo Super Bowl for the NES and set up a CPU vs. CPU match to predict the results.
Q&AmeCola: The Future of Videogames
Columns by Mark Freedman on
What do YOU think the future of gaming will be like?
Fabricated News: Stevie Wonder Loves Atari
News Posts by Mark Freedman on
When deciding what videogame console to purchase, whose endorsement is better than a blind man's?
Fabricated News: GameCola Is Firing!
News Posts by Mark Freedman on
Complain within! What could possibly go wrong?
Q&AmeCola: Favorite Winter Holiday Level
Columns by Mark Freedman on
It's certainly gotten cold quick this Winter season. At last, the GameCola staff have an excuse to be indoors playing video games for eight hours a day. Usually any game will do, but sometimes there a
Grandaddy of Home Consoles, Ralph H. Baer, Dies at 92
News Posts by Mark Freedman on
A sad day indeed for the world of videogames.
Super Smash Speculation!
Blog Posts by Mark Freedman on
What new characters do you think will be in Smash Bros. Brawl?
Q&AmeCola: Most Money Paid
Columns by GameCola Staff on
What's the most YOU'VE ever spent on a single game?