Archive for Tag: Miles Edgeworth
TurnaboutCola, Chapter 3: A New Case and an Interrogation
Fan Submissions by Diana Gray on
Jeddy retains the services of a certain spiky-haired lawyer in his pending court case against Paul...
Oh, the Humanity!: The Miles Edgeworth Files
Columns by Michael Gray on
Welcome to "Oh, the Humanity!", the column that reviews various videogame-based spin-offs. Nobody's heard from this column for a while, because the old columnist, Zack Huffman, had to quit for the sake of his sanity. In fact, I'm told that he still weeps uncontrollably at the thought of videogame movies. Unfortunately, this means that the task of warning everyone about videogame-based horrors has fallen to me.
GC Podcast #42: Turnabout Musical Interview Pt 1
Podcasts by Alex Jedraszczak on
In a complete reversal from GameCola's last podcast, Podcast #42 entirely revolves around Phoenix Wright! In an awesome GameCola exclusive, we're interviewing the staff of Turnabout Musical! That's ri
Why the Phoenix Wright Characters Will Die Alone
Blog Posts by Michael Gray on
A look at why the three main Phoenix Wright characters will be forever dateless.
Become a Drunken Hobo Yourself with Phoenix Wright Wine!
News Posts by Paul Franzen on
What better way to re-enact your favorite part of Apollo Justice than by drinking the actual beverage that caused the utter downfall of Phoenix Wright as a character—now with a giant picture of Phoe
Capcom, Shall I Compare Thee?
Blog Posts by Matt Jonas on
What if William Shakespeare was a fan of Mega Man and Phoenix Wright? He'd be pissed off around about now. You know what? I'm pissed off, too. I wrote a whole three thousand word rant about Capcom but
The Ace Attorney Series Has Been Cancelled.
News Posts by Michael Gray on
All three of the newest Phoenix Wright games will not be released outside of Japan.
Newsflash: GameCola Gay for Miles Edgeworth?
Blog Posts by Kay Leacock on
I've read some pretty bad Phoenix/Miles Fanfics1. I mean, I've read some REALLY bad ones2. Yet, GameCola still manages to surprise me. We've heard Paul and Mike going on and on and on in the podcasts
Ace Attorney Investigations: Miles Edgeworth 2 Spoilers
News Posts by Michael Gray on
Spoilers have been released for the newest Miles Edgeworth game.
New Phoenix Wright Game Released! (In Japan.)
News Posts by Michael Gray on
The newest Phoenix Wright game has been released!