Archive for Tag: Phoenix Wright
TurnaboutCola, Chapter 2: A Trick, a New Friend, and a Murder
Fan Submissions by Diana Gray on
As Michael takes up a new post in the Ace Attorney universe, the unthinkable happens to Paul...
Harvey Birdman: Attorney at Law (Wii)
Reviews by Paul Franzen on
The lost Ace Attorney game!
TurnaboutCola, Chapter 1: The GameCola Annual Beard Competition!
Fan Submissions by Diana Gray on
In this GameCola/Ace Attorney crossover fic, Paul's obsession with beards causes perhaps the wildest turnabout of them all...
Law & Order Legacies: Episode 2: Home to Roost (iPad)
Reviews by Michael Gray on
Law & Order Legacies: Episode 2 is sort of a mixed bag, compared to the first episode.
GC Podcast #50 Hour 8: GameCola Faithful Power Hour!
Podcasts by Alex Jedraszczak on
If you were there, then this one's for you! You can show all your friends that you were actually famous on the Internet for a while.
DCW: Phoenix Wright vs. Commander Shepard!
Columns by Paul Franzen and Eric Regan on
Welcome BACK, after four looooooong years—to Digital Championship Wrestling!
My Little Pony: Ace Attorneys Are Magic
News Posts by Michael Gray on
Someone is making a crossover game between Phoenix Wright and My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic.
Wipe Your Butt With Ace Attorney!
News Posts by Paul Franzen on
Sorry about the glut of Ace Attorney news as of late, but I couldn't just let this one pass through me. Per Destructoid, to promote the Japanese release of Takashi Miike's Phoenix Wright film, a vari
Japanese Animation Studio Responsible for Cute Maya
News Posts by Matt Jonas on
New information has come to light concerning Professor Layton vs. Phoenix Wright, the Capcom/Level-5 collaboration starring our favourite lawyer. Unfortunately, there is still no release date besides
Ace Attorney 5 Announced.
News Posts by Paul Franzen on
While there's no word yet on when it's coming out, what platform it's being developed for, or whether it's coming out in the U.S.