Archive for Tag: Sonic the Hedgehog
[NSFW] Ten Game Franchises More Deserving of Death Than Phoenix Wright
Blog Posts by Christian Porter on
I'll level with you—I'm a bit of an outcast here at GameCola. Not just because everybody is jealous of my rugged good looks and my infectious charisma, but also because I'm not a huge Phoenix Wright
You Got Your Genetics In My Videogames
News Posts by Christian Porter on
We here at GameCola's crack news team are dedicated to searching far and wide for videogame news, but today I'll be daring to traverse the very time-space continuum to bring you news from several year
The Ten Reasons: Sonic the Hedgehog 3 & Knuckles
Columns by Matt Jonas on
Welcome to "The Ten Reasons," where I discuss ten reasons why I like or dislike a particular game... Wait a god-darned minute! I'm not Michael Gray! Whose responsibility is this article now, anyway?T
Gamera Obscura: Sonic Eraser
Columns by Jeff Day on
Sonic the Hedgehog 4: Episode I (XBLA)
Reviews by Matt Jonas on
Was Sonic 4 worth the wait? No. No, it wasn't.
Sonic’s Ultimate Genesis Collection (X360)
Reviews by Matt Jonas on
I'm feeling better than ever! At the time of writing, I am back at University. Got an exam this afternoon, but who cares? It's a beautiful (but cold) summer's day. (In England, you're just happy when
Sonic & Sega All-Stars Racing with Banjo-Kazooie (X360)
Reviews by Matt Jonas on
After the smashing Sega Superstars Tennis (a subtle blend of Mario Tennis and Sega characters), Sumo Digital returned to the drawing board and imagined Sonic Sega All-Stars Racing with Banjo-Kazoo
GC Podcast #25: When Cowboys Wore Pink
Podcasts by GameCola on
In this retro-themed edition of The GameCola Podcast, Nathaniel Hoover, Christian Porter, Zach Rich, and GC Podcast virgin Stuart Gipp (that's pronounced Gipp) discuss: The games that got them all i