• Dead or Alive Xtreme 2 (X360) [NSFW]

    ...not want to “show the women in a negative light,” but the large number of unlockable outfits (which result in making the DOA cast practically naked) supports an all too...

  • Brink (X360)

    ...though it’s better than mopping up after spilled Mountain Dew all day, you knew they were capable of so much more. Brink was that valedictorian once—or at least, the hype...

  • Minus the Pudding: The Best of Xbox Live Indie Games

    ...parts. Those are the pudding games of Indie Games, and I want to talk about the ones that aren’t. Early last week, GameCola reported on some new changes that Microsoft...

  • GameCola.net (PC)

    ...article and comment feeds, thus revealing the alarming ratio of new articles published to spam comments received. Each article has the standard rundown of title, author, clickible search tags, and...

  • Sonic Adventure (XBLA)

    ...you can fault the Sonic Adventure series, there are an equal number of areas where it just plain rocks. Nevertheless, Sonic Adventure does have issues that plague it hard. At...

  • “You’ll Never Be Sad Again!”

    ...this left us in a hole, as our person-account was our number one source for readership growth. We needed a replacement, and we needed it stat. (I’m assuming that means...

  • Fabricated News: Dumb Advertising

    I may not live in New Hampshire, the birthplace of videogames, but every now and then, some videogame news hits us here in California. Recently, the city of San Francisco...

  • Samantha Swift and the Golden Touch (PC)

    ...in the number of items you have to find. The first game had you find, say, twelve items per screen. This game has you find ten items per screen, and...

  • DeathSpank (XBLA)

    ...sooooo much of it is fetch quests, and sooooo much of it is “kill X number of monster” quests (actually, that’s about 95% of the game), but the things I...

  • 50 Cent: Blood on the Sand (X360)

    ...can carry a number of weapons with you for different types of enemies and combat situations. Enemies up close? Automatic shotgun or a submachine gun will do the trick, but...