Featured Articles

Xenoblade Chronicles 2 (Switch)
Awful tutorials, confounding gameplay, questionable character design, and gacha mechanics. Hard to believe it's one of my favorite games, but it is. Here's why...
GC Podcast #182: Patently Absurd
You've been served!
[NSFW] Metroid Fusion (GBA)
The big N didn't do too many horrid things to Samus...
Disregard Canon, Acquire Representation: Naoto Shirogane is a Transman
Why accept the canon explanation when the story could be so much more interesting?
Enviro-Bear 2000: Operation: Hibernation (PC)
In 2009, Justin Smith ventured forth with a game that would change the gaming industry forever. A title that would blow the fish out of the water. A game for FREE that beats the living daylights out o
Gamer Girlfriend: Friends Don't Let Friends Play (Crappy) Facebook Games
It all started when I got a message from GameCola's own Kate Jay. "Hey Vangie," she said, "I know you don't usually play Facebook games, but you might want to give this one a try. It's really a lot of
Garry's Mod (PC)
When is a game not a game?
[NSFW] Black Sigil: Blade of the Exiled (DS)
So dutifully trying to be Chrono Trigger it's both admirable and depressing at the same time.
Shall We Date?: Wizardess Heart (iOS)
The Harry Potter dating sim we've all been waiting for! Kind of.
[NSFW] Final Fantasy Tactics (PS1)
A fan of the Final Fantasy series? Maybe not after you play this one...

Latest Articles

  • The Social Ramifications of Pac-Man, Space Invaders, and other Comparably Ancient Venues of Video Entertainment

    First, just a little nugget of background information on this piece.  This was originally submitted to my Honors United States History II teacher Mr. Bacon, as an extra credit report we students had

  • Mega Man Legends (PS1)

    While it holds its own in the genre, it is definitely directed towards Mega Man fans. If that's you, go check this game out.

  • Dragon Warrior Monsters 2: Cobi’s Journey (GBC)

    The only people this is not recommended to are those who just do not have the time to get involved with a time-consuming game.

  • Carbonated News (July 2002)

    - It seems as though a Sims game is headed towards the realm of Playstation 2.  It will, more or less, be a port of the PC game of much fame, with somewhat revamped graphics to make use of the PS2's

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    … of the Month: Mr. Face Advance

    Background: A long long time ago, on an ancient, destroyed, website, there lived a happy little smiley face by the name of "Mr. Face." Now Mr. Face was a kind enough soul, never bothering anyone, and pretty much minding his own business. He lived a pretty uneventful life until one dreadful day when some bastard game players like you decided to shoot him... in the face! Assholes. Anyway, one shot to the head was not enough for the psychos, they shot over and over and over until the poor yellow smiley couldn't take it anymore and exploded... That was the last we saw of the lovable face for years to come.

  • Toad: The Little Mushroom that Could(n’t Star in His Own Game)

    I say Toad deserves his own game. Who's with me?!

  • Baseball (GB)

    I got through an entire game without wanting to swallow a cyanide pill, so it couldn't have been that bad.

  • MTV Remote Control (NES)

    If I were selected to be a contestant on a game show, and the consequences for losing were death, then I'd find a safer game show.

  • Carbonated News (June 2002)

    - Starting Sept. 14, Kirby (whom you all know from such games as Kirby's Adventure, Kirby's Dreamland, Kirby's Star Stackers, and various other games whose title is preceded by the name "Kirby") will

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    … of the Month: Dragon-Warrior.com

    Although it doesn't contain walkthroughs, cheats, or other elements usually associated with websites based on video games, Dragon-Warrior.com is one of the best, if not the best, Dragon Warrior site out there. Within the confines of this excellent website you will find comics based on Dragon Warrior (Dragon Warrior 101 being the main comic of several, and quite funny), a store where you'll find links to pretty much all dragon warrior related merchandise (games, music, t-shirts, etc), AIM bots, images, fan-made games, message boards, and more! What more could you possibly want? What's that you say? You want to see a mage get stripped naked by a slime? Well, it's your lucky day because Dragon-Warrior.com has that, too! So hurry your dragon hungry self over to Dragon-Warrior.com before it's too late! Too late for what? I guess you'll just have to go there and find out for yourself.