• Trace Memory (DS)

    ...some lines together to form a letter and a number required in order to continue. Down to even the coolest little touches—how you need to blow out the candles on...

  • Puzzle Agent 2 (PC)

    ...knowledge of a subject in order to be completed. When it’s Done, it’s Done. How can you work out the second Monosaki number puzzle without using any hints? Or the...

  • Capcom, Shall I Compare Thee?

    ...full-price with a small number of new or different characters, and we’re supposed to take it. You know what? Wait, I promised I wouldn’t rant. Oh yeah, the sonnet! I...

  • You Blew It: Mega Man Legends 3 Canceled

    ...on a number of criteria with input from different sectors of the company. Unfortunately it was not felt that the Mega Man Legends 3 Project met the required criteria.” In...

  • Castlevania: Harmony of Dissonance Recap

    ...was just done so well that I made no bones about it. Artwork by Colin Greenhalgh. I like the fact that they basically doubled the number of boss battles in...

  • Blade Kitten (XBLA)

    ...a fine platformer with a few redeeming features, such as a mass of stuff to unlock. The number of levels spans into the double figures, so if you’re just looking...

  • Brink (X360)

    ...delivers a full game. The entire game consists of 16 Campaigns and 4 “What if” campaigns. This number, however, is very misleading and artificially inflated because the game only really...

  • Ridge Racer 3D (3DS)

    ...this was no doubt the game for me to obtain. Ridge Racer or Rigid Racer? Ridge Racer 3D has a decent number of courses, each with harder versions that you...

  • GC Podcast #40: The Mike & Jeddy Show Pt 2

    ...Gray and Alex Jedraszczak be able to read ALL of the mail submitted in a timely manner?! Find out on this, the GameCola Podcast number 40! Mike and Jeddy go...

  • Crash Twinsanity (MXB)

    ...the stage implied Cortex having to escape from a rampaging teddy bear. Other problems are far more prominent. Collision bugs (dis)grace some of the game areas, and a number of...