• Castlevania: Harmony of Dissonance Recap

    ...games. It also happens to be my favorite of the three games. I’m weird like that. The plot of the game, which is disturbingly similar to the plot of the...

  • GC Podcast #40: The Mike & Jeddy Show Pt 2

    ...Gray and Alex Jedraszczak be able to read ALL of the mail submitted in a timely manner?! Find out on this, the GameCola Podcast number 40! Mike and Jeddy go...

  • Ridge Racer 3D (3DS)

    Those with more money than sense are the proud owners (and subsequently ‘dis-owners’) of the Nintendo 3DS. I do not enjoy taking a stroll into town and getting a StreetPass...

  • Brink (X360)

    ...equal to playing with other people. The Reality: Brink‘s AI is like playing with or against other people—if they all had cerebral palsy. AI enemies are often kind enough to...

  • Crash Twinsanity (MXB)

    ...with little trouble. Around three-quarters through it, I started getting frequent Game Overs. You get a lot fewer lives in this game than in other Crash Bandicoot titles; you’re not...

  • EvilQuest (PC)

    ...game that brought me back is none other than EvilQuest. If any of you have listened to the recent podcasts, seen my comments on recent “Minus the Puddings,” or follow...

  • Videogames Save the World

    This month I’m happy to report that videogames have been in the news for reasons other than being unjustly blamed for mass slayings or developmental disabilities. In fact, it turns...

  • SAVE THE DATE: GameCola’s 10th Anniversary Podtacular!

    ...the 5PM hour, we’ll be opening up the Skype lines to The GameCola Faithful. Wanna join the party? E-mail your Skype username and/or telephone number to podcast@gamecola.net, and you just...

  • Trine 2 (PC)

    ...owns because it was in one of the Humble Indie Bundles. Outside of the graphics and a miniscule number of mechanic adjustments, Trine 2 is exactly the same. It could...

  • Echoes of Sorrow (PC)

    ...My only real issue with the story was that some of the plot details struck me as odd. Unfortunately, discussing them means revealing several key plot points, so if you...