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    The Gates of Life: Episode 22 – Liaunde! Also, Wait…Wait Yeah, There Were Others….

    Barin: I'm so sick of you I could vomit. This is my story, and it's really about time I took it back.

  • … of the Month: T-Shirts from ThinkGeek

    You have to wear clothes, right? I mean, there are decency laws and all those kinds of things to consider. Plus it's sometimes cold out and you need something to keep you warm. Well, since you have to wear clothes anyway, why not wear ones that say something about you? Perfect ice-breakers, shirts can be. These shirts in particular, are pretty much perfect for anyone into video games—which everyone reading this should be. There are 4 black shirts and one cedar one, emblazoned with the following:

  • Cheat Codes for Life

    Julie Kozarsky offers advice about reclaiming videogames left at exes' houses, eyes going blearly after marathon gaming sessions, and more.

  • The Ten GameMandments: Book 1: Sega Genesis

    Too many times I have played a game in which the save system is disgustingly flawed. Earthworm Jim 2 -- collect three stupidly well-hidden "Pieces of the password" to save. And the save will randomly not work 80% of the time. CRAP. Tomb Raider 3 -- find a Save Crystal. Save it up and use it when the time comes. EH!? And don't even get me started on typewriters and ink ribbons.

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    Digital Championship Wrestling: Bubsy vs. Toad

    Paul: Hello everyone and welcome once again to Digital Championship Wrestling! I'm Paul Franzen, and with me this evening is Smarter "Yeah, the AIM Bot" Child, filling in for an absent Eric Regan.

  • Live in Yore World #1

    You’ve gotta note the expression on the kids’ faces hey, ‘specially the one playing the Game Boy!  I wonder how much shit he got in high school after this 🙂 Game Boy was fun, but never THAT fun!

  • Oh, the Humanity!: Street Fighter: The Movie

    As most of you already know, the Street Fighter movie is based on the Street Fighter 2 series (as opposed to the significantly shittier Street Fighter game). The thing is, in the game, fighters from all over the world have entered a competition held by M. Bison to see who the greatest fighter is, with each fighter having their own agenda other than winning some trophy. The makers of the movie took a few creative liberties, scrapping the whole tournament idea, and instead making it about a small war-torn nation that, in the dictatorial iron grip of M. Bison, has become the site of an international incident.

  • Mid-Boss: Nintendo Licensing Out Its Games

    Mid-Boss is angry, and demands your attention. There is an annoying trend developing within Nintendo and it MUST stop NOW.

  • Versus Mode: Fable vs. The Sims 2

    The stereotypical gamer is an overweight, slovenly fellow who'd rather be munching on a cheeseburger than something else entirely inappropriate for a family-oriented webazine. Whether this is anything

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    The Gates of Life: Episode 21 – Fix the Story and Go Back to Present Time!

    Render: Ah ha, I'll go to Fix The Story And Go Back To The Present Time Island!