If you’ve experienced the unspeakable, life-changing joy of visiting GameCola’s YouTube Channel in the past two-and-a-half years, you’ll know that it was absolutely impossible to find any content other than Michael Gray’s Phoenix Wright walkthroughs. Well, you’ll be happy to know that we’re finally clearing out all of those musty lawyer sims so you can get to the real videogames, like Drama Queens.
Watch this, or we’ll cut off your supply of joy:
Yes, we’re now so desperate for new content that we enlisted a hobo to make videos for us.
Fortunately, we’ve already got an impressive backlog of other videos I have been imploring you to watch, and there’s more where that came from. Lots more.
Of course, I couldn’t find anything else until I consolidated all seventeen GameCola Podcast playlists into just two. Now there’s no possible way you can miss the horrifying video where we grind a small child into a bag of sugar.
Artificial sugar.
We’re not good people.