• Snobow Kids Plus (PSX)

    ...you go sliding down the streets of a small ninja-themed village. Each race consists of a predetermined number of laps. During a race, you and the other three combatants can...

  • China, Part 1: The Land That Consoles Forgot

    ...recently, my total disappearance for the last several months. I’ve been on a journey…to the east…to Morrowind China. I’ve been teaching English at middle schools, and, well, let’s just say...

  • EarthBound for Disaster

    ...popped it in…and braced myself for the worst. Nostalgia has a way of coloring our view of games, and it had been several years since I last played EarthBound—since before...

  • [NSFW] Sol-Feace (SCD)

    ...reason and formula, I’ve only been gone a few months, but you’d think it’s been years since I last wrote here. Seems about right, I thought the two summers before...

  • Memory Cards: The Final Fantasy Legend

    ...can choose humans, mutants, or monsters. Monsters can’t use equipment, but they have skills that work very similarly to abilities in Pokémon. Each skill has a limited number of uses...

  • Can With Oil (iPhone)

    ...Oil is a perfect example of this. Beautiful HD graphics. Can With Oil is an iPhone game which…oh man, I’m not sure I can explain it. I don’t think I...

  • Angels with Scaly Wings (PC)

    ...through this portal, tasked with trading a PDA filled with centuries of human knowledge for a number of the dragons’ generators—a completely clean energy source that the human world desperately...

  • Star Fox 64 3D (3DS)

    ...new, despite how benign. But when was the last time you played Star Fox 64 for its multiplayer? Please. Wow. Looks good, doesn’t it? Lylat Wars So what is Star...

  • Scratching the Itch.io #9

    ...list; but, for a number of reasons, I’m including it here. First and foremost is that I want to encourage people to buy the game through itch.io rather than Steam....

  • [NSFW] … of the Month: Samurai 4’s “Surprise”

    ...READ THE ARTICLE. Samurai Sex Sim Surprise of the Month… An Old Friend in Way of the Samurai 4 Looks like Number 4 is when a series stops and asks,...