• Seven Bullets (Browser)

    ...facility from mutants to something having to do with space trains, though a large number of paths I took ended up with some unsettling trips through the underworld. However, the...

  • King’s Quest VI: Heir Today, Gone Tomorrow (PC)

    ...are good for one, maybe two playthroughs, KQVI packs enough replay value to double or triple those numbers. There’s a short path and a long path to the ending, each...

  • Rune Classic (PC)

    ...of propagating the species, since Ragnar was single-handedly demolishing a good number of them. You can bet that I ate one of them. But lizards aren’t the only health items:...

  • [NSFW] GC Podcast #82: GameCola Sports League

    Welcome, sports fans, to the number-one sports-related sportscast on the Sportsternet! As you all know, we here at GameCola love games. Sports games, that is! We are definitely known for...

  • Be Careful What You Search For #73

    ...it’s still the same number of searches…but, we’ve picked the longest searches in the list. Curious where these searches landed? Just click the images to find out! universal studios theme...

  • [NSFW-ish] Dungeon Keeper (PC)

    ...addition to gaining minions through incentives, you can recruit minions in a number of more satisfying ways. Personally, nothing says “loyal servant” like beating a hero into a near-death state,...

  • Memory Cards: The 7th Saga

    ...during localization. There are games with better stories that I’ve abandoned for having half the number of technical issues. There’s just something about the atmosphere. There’s something about the lonely...

  • Did Someone Order a Vanilla Shake-Up?

    ...number of new dungeons and quests. The kicker? ALL dungeons in the game, both new and previously released, will now have two modes, single-player and multiplayer. LFG? No thank you....

  • Mega Man

    ...this run, he cuts down the number of deaths to about five. What an improvement! It’s partially due to the fact that he has better platforming skills now, and partly...

  • The Big Day, 2015!

    ...In other news for this year, we’ve added quite a number of new staff members, some of whom are so new that they haven’t had a chance to post anything...