Search Results for: matt jonas
Pop’n Music (Wii)
Reviews by Matt Jonas on
I cannot think of much to say about this game. The only reason I chose to review this below-mediocre poorly developed rhythm game is because it should have been withdrawn...
Back to the Future: The Game – Episode 3: The Video Walkthrough – The Post: Marty and Doc Ruin Everything Again
Videos by Nikola Suprak on
...the enigmatic Citizen Brown while he attempts to change this dystopian future! Listen to Paul Franken, Michael Gray, and Matt Jonas give their considerable insight into how to solve the...
You Can’t Even Pay People to Enjoy Kinect Star Wars
News Posts by Paul Franzen on
...of getting into vans with strange men. Not shown in the video: the dude behind them waving a gun and screaming “SMILE! SMILE, GOD DAMMIT.” Edit: GameCola’s Matt Jonas responds:...
End Night HD (iPad)
Reviews by Matt Jonas on
Like zombies, I’m back from the dead. Night After Night End Night is an experiment into the effects of player traumatisation. When the player isn’t being attacked from all directions...
Rhythm Party (XBLA)
Reviews by Matt Jonas on
First up, I’m just doing a bit of market research. Who here owns a Kinect? Please raise your hand. Just the one, right there at the back. Excellent. Well, that...
[NSFW] Miss World ’96 (Arcade)
Reviews by Matt Jonas on
Oh, that wasn’t Fanta Fruit Twist, was it? Tasted like… It was poison. It was bloody arsenic. Well, that’s great. I’m going to die. Well there goes nothing. I’m drifting…drifting…...
Japanese Animation Studio Responsible for Cute Maya
News Posts by Matt Jonas on
New information has come to light concerning Professor Layton vs. Phoenix Wright, the Capcom/Level-5 collaboration starring our favourite lawyer. Unfortunately, there is still no release date besides “sometime this year...
Wii U Out by the End of the Year, Craps out Rainbow Cookies
News Posts by Matt Jonas on
Satoru Iwata, a Nintendo hotshot who claims to be the company president, has today reiterated that the Super Wii will be out by the end of this year. This won’t...
Family Guy: Uncensored (iPhone)
Reviews by Matt Jonas on
There is a lot I find offensive about Family Guy: Uncensored. It’s like that time I made a useless throwaway remark about something that happened before. There’s a Man Who,...