• Duke Nukem Trilogy: Critical Mass (DS)

    You see a game perched on the store shelf, and you're thinking, "Hey, I've never heard of this game". This happens to me all the time, the most recent examples being Dead To Rights: Retribution, Mindj

  • Sonic 3D Blast (SG)

    Considered a spin-off to this well-known series, Sonic 3D Flickies' Island (as it's known in PAL territories) is not actually a three-dimensional game. Not in the way it's played, nor in its content;

  • Comix Zone (XBLA)

    We recently took a look at Comic Jumper, a game that has you jumping across comic book frames and defeating enemies. Comic Jumper and the recently released Unbound Saga owe a wealth of their ideas to

  • [NSFW] Kane & Lynch 2: Dog Days (PC)

    Even delicious violence can become moreish and sickening. Gore-feast Kane Lynch 2: Dog Days suits this category the same way the perfect cup of coffee suits Dale Cooper. Being brutally visceral and d

  • Comic Jumper: The Adventures of Captain Smiley (XBLA)

    If ever there was a pure Grade-A example of how to make a videogame that is exactly the same thing from start to finish, and is dull within one minute, then Comic Jumper wins with a standing ovation,

  • Tenchu: Time of the Assassins (PSP)

    I like to imagine that if I were a ninja, I'd be an intelligent and proficient one. Clinging to the shadows, ready to strike, like a rapist in a dark alleyway. Would-be victims can rest assured, thoug

  • [NSFW] Gunbird 2 (DC)

    There are as many grains of sand on this stupid beach:as there are shooters in the arcades. You can take them out one by one, but the pile just never seems to end. The beach stretches on, and on, and

  • [NSFW] Poker Ladies (ARC)

    The classic PC game Wolfenstein invented and revolutionized the first-person shooter genre. But, in recent years, Wolfenstein has become a series of games that imitate other games, instead of comin

  • The Ten Reasons: Sonic the Hedgehog 3 & Knuckles

    Welcome to "The Ten Reasons," where I discuss ten reasons why I like or dislike a particular game... Wait a god-darned minute! I'm not Michael Gray! Whose responsibility is this article now, anyway?T

  • [NSFW] Nier (X360)

    Your friends have all said, "Nier's rubbish, mate." These so-called friends of yours are the kind of scum who insist that the Scott Pilgrim movie is better than the comics. They're so shallow that the