• [NSFW] Little Nicky (GBC)

    Here's the movie-based videogame that nobody wanted, or expected! Prepare to be sickened, amazed and bewildered by Little Nicky, the game where you can play as the son of Satan himself! The movie this

  • Sonic CD Coming to Xbox Live? Major Nelson Thinks So.

    Larry Hyrb, Xbox Live's Major Nelson, has posted a blog entry confirming the existence of an Xbox Live version of Sonic CD, which I (and many other Sonic fans) consider to be one of the best games in

  • Alt-Play: Jason Rohrer Anthology (DSiWare)

    He's a meadow-dwelling giant known for experimenting with the artistic boundaries of videogames. This is a man who isn't afraid to experiment and invent for the sake of getting science done. His games

  • AR-K: Sex, Lies & Homework (PC)

    There's a lot to like about this game, but unfortunately, also a lot to dislike.

  • Crash Bandicoot: The Wrath of Cortex (MXB)

    Expansion Pack I play colorful platform games because sometimes the perfect cure for a nervous breakdown is to regress into childhood. I've mentioned before how much I love the Crash Bandicoot series,

  • Child of Eden (X360)

    "Videogames are art!" yells the black-suited Ubisoft exec as he peddles out the latest swirling digital eyesore. 3D primitives dance across a glitch-driven psycho-seizure background as you scramble ov

  • Another Look: Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs

    You may remember my review of Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs, published last December. I reviewed the game without having played one of the core components: the drop-in drop-out co-operative mode.

  • Trace Memory (DS)

    It is like me to do things in the wrong order: rip open the present before reading the attached letter, eat my dessert before the main course, or hand in an exam sheet before I've written any answers.

  • [NSFW] Conan (X360)

    I bought Conan a few months ago and I have been loving it. But maybe I shouldn't be. Me, Conan. You, Disappointed. Though developed for current-generation consoles, Conan looks like a late PlayStation

  • Capcom, Shall I Compare Thee?

    What if William Shakespeare was a fan of Mega Man and Phoenix Wright? He'd be pissed off around about now. You know what? I'm pissed off, too. I wrote a whole three thousand word rant about Capcom but