Archive for Tag: Minecraft
GC Podcast #159: Yelling About Minecraft Reports
Podcasts by Joseph Martin on
GC Podcast #145: The Cyberpunk Future of Open Worlds
Podcasts by Joseph Martin on
It may be a wasteland, but it's an open wasteland...
The 2019 GameCola Videogame Awards (Part 2)
Columns by Alex Jedraszczak on
Let's forget about 2020 for a bit and reminisce about the bygone era of 2019.
GC Podcast #119: A Mega-Smashing Nintendo Direct
Podcasts by Joseph Martin on
GameCola covers two of its most frequent topics: Nintendo Directs and Mega Man TV Shows.
Starbound: In Perspective
Blog Posts by Robyn Tyrfing on
Robyn looks back at Starbound, analyzing changes to the game and determining if it's still the same experience as it was years ago.
Q&AmeCola: Biggest Personal Investment in a Game
Columns by Shannon Hoover on
The GameCola staff share their biggest game investments—from needlessly leveling up when already overpowered, to hand-drawing maps instead of just reading the manual, to getting a little bit too involved with birds.
How to Drown Your Sorrows in Life Simulators
Blog Posts by Anna Bryniarski on
Anna talks about life sims that make real life less awful.
BigSkyCola #1: Birth of a Design Log
Columns by Ryan Mather on
Watch for falling Tetriminos.
Microsoft buying a talented developer? That’s “Rare”.
News Posts by Matt Jonas on
Don't panic. It's not like this happened before and they were coerced into developing games for bad hardware.
Q&AmeCola: A Non-Videogame Lifestyle
Columns by Mark Freedman on
What would YOUR life be like without videogames? Is such a thing even possible?