Featured Articles

Xenoblade Chronicles 2 (Switch)
Awful tutorials, confounding gameplay, questionable character design, and gacha mechanics. Hard to believe it's one of my favorite games, but it is. Here's why...
[NSFW] Black Sigil: Blade of the Exiled (DS)
So dutifully trying to be Chrono Trigger it's both admirable and depressing at the same time.
[NSFW] Metroid Fusion (GBA)
The big N didn't do too many horrid things to Samus...
[NSFW] Top of the Heap: Pokémon Games That Aren't
Nine knock-off Pokémon games you probably haven't caught yet.
Paris Hilton's Diamond Quest (Mobile)
Really, now. Paris Hilton has been licensed to appear in a videogame? "Wow, this has got to be abysmal at best," I thought. But you shouldn't run entirely on first impressions, for Paris Hilton's Dia
[NSFW] The Fantastic Adventures of Dizzy (NES)
I am not going to make one egg pun this entire review. Set your expectations now.
Metal Arms: Glitch in the System (GCN)
After ten years, Daniel decides to revisit one of the most unique shooting games in his collection.
Disregard Canon, Acquire Representation: Naoto Shirogane is a Transman
Why accept the canon explanation when the story could be so much more interesting?
CONTEST: You Dressed Yourself Today!
Win a free custom t-shirt, courtesy of Dress United and GameCola.

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