• Jigsaw Madness (PS1)

    ...of adding another game to my endlessly expanding library, and also because it was cheap. I wasn’t expecting it to have decent controls, acceptable presentation and excellent music. I didn’t...

  • StarSweep (PS1)

    ...to play it. If they hadn’t been so cheap in my local retro video game retailer, on that ever so fateful day, I’d have never walked away with Jigsaw Madness...

  • I Am a Game Mechanic [2]: Ultimate Weapons

    ...the Pokémon, and then never actually use it. Perhaps we see the use of a legendary Pokémon as a hollow victory—a cheap way to win all of the obstacles in...

  • Low-Rent Adventures in Japan: Diary of a Deadline

    ...Except here it’s a pretty large franchise, so there’s not as much rotten sausage and items with their expiration dates marked out. Now, I’ve always been cheap (or to euphemism:...

  • Bleach: Heat the Soul (PSP)

    ...you need to do is whittle down the enemy’s health using cheap tactics and then you win! With only five playable characters (six including the one and only hidden character),...

  • Dragon Warrior II (NES)

    ...only graphical part of the game that is moderately impressive. I can imagine that Akira Toriyama doesn’t come cheap. Malroth…or, maybe some form of Cell from Dragon Ball Z. The...

  • Crimsonland Coming to Steam and PlayStation 4

    ...but with better graphics and without the song?”, and the answer is “yes”. “Yes, MAED is a cheap knockoff of a free game that came out several years earlier.” But...

  • Localization Anxiety: Nintendo World Cup

    ...looks exactly the same. The game only changes the palette colors depending on the team you’re selecting. That just feels a little cheap to me. This is how the USA,...

  • Submissions (January 2007)

    ...for fucking Dreamcast stuff. I was pissed when they went offline because nobody else carries the Dreamcast dev stuff that cheap! – Kevin Matthew F.’s review of Montezuma’s Return Isnt...

  • Cheat Codes for Life

    Zack Huffman offers advice about getting a PS3 on the cheap, the best time to get next-gen consoles, and more....