Archive for Tag: Mark Freedman
GoldenEye: Source (PC)
Reviews by Mark Freedman on
GoldenEye is back!
GC Podcasts #30-31 on YouTube: Don’t Age, Metroid
Videos by Nathaniel Hoover on
From the cradle to Crateria, from retirement to Ridley, this pair of podcasts covers everything you might expect from videos with titles like these.
Q&AmeCola: Games Ruined by a Game Mechanic
Columns by Jeff Nemeth and GameCola Staff on
There are many mechanics that make up a game. But what if there was one that ruined the game entirely? Grab your nuts and bolts, and see what picks we have for you.
Does Hoganlessness Still Matter?
Blog Posts by Mark Freedman on
What's happened with Hulk Hogan over the years?
Q&AmeCola: Favorite Character Customization System
Columns by Jeff Nemeth and GameCola Staff on
Curious what character customization lets you forge the perfect nose? Let our staff decide!
[NSFW] Q&AmeCola: Games That Don’t Deserve to Be as Fun as They Are
Columns by Jeff Nemeth and GameCola Staff on
These games may not deserve to be fun, but this Q&A deserves to be read.
What the Crap? You
Columns by Mark Freedman on
Seriously, what is up with you? I mean, not YOU...but, you know. You.
Q&AmeCola: Classic Games Remade for Virtual Reality
Columns by Jeff Nemeth on
What classic game do you think deserves a virtual reality remake?
[NSFW] Disturbingly Themed Game has Disturbingly Long Name
News Posts by Mark Freedman on
Maybe we're just running low on unique names (and game concepts) at this point.