Archive for Tag: Q&AmeCola
Q&AmeCola: Games We Are Currently Playing
Columns by Shannon Hoover on
This month we answer the most basic videogame question of them all: "What Are You Currently Playing?"
Q&AmeCola: Biggest Personal Investment in a Game
Columns by Shannon Hoover on
The GameCola staff share their biggest game investments—from needlessly leveling up when already overpowered, to hand-drawing maps instead of just reading the manual, to getting a little bit too involved with birds.
Q&AmeCola: Videogame Assets in Real Life
Columns by Shannon Hoover on
The GameCola crew dishes on which videogame assets they'd like to see brought to real life—from a house full of Eevee, to portal guns as sanitation devices, to Navi as the new #1 helicopter parent.
Q&AmeCola: Favourite Equippable Item
Columns by Shannon Hoover on
From Bunny Hoods to offensive fish, the GameCola staff shares their favorite equippable videogame items.
Q&AmeCola: Favourite Game-within-a-Game
Columns by Shannon Hoover on
Almost every genre of videogaming offers their own spin on the game-within-a-game concept. This month, the GameCola crew share their favourite examples, from "Pazaak," to "Triple Triad," to "Things from Space."
Q&AmeCola: Most Memorable Game Controls
Columns by Shannon Hoover on
This month we share the control schemes—be they the best, the worst, the most creative, the most under-utilized, or the most ridiculous—that stand out in our minds as the most memorable.
Q&AmeCola: NPCs You Wish Were Playable
Columns by Shannon Hoover on
In this month's Q&AmeCola, our GameCola staff shares the NPCs they wish had been given the limelight they deserve as playable characters.
Q&AmeCola: Games Ruined by a Game Mechanic
Columns by Jeff Nemeth and GameCola Staff on
There are many mechanics that make up a game. But what if there was one that ruined the game entirely? Grab your nuts and bolts, and see what picks we have for you.