Archive for Tag: Virtual Console Review
Legend of Hero Tonma (Wii-VC)
Reviews by Matt Jonas on
It's Tommy, bitch! Legendary hero! So bold he takes on hordes of enemies against increasingly unfavorable odds and rattles off his favourite songs from albums recorded by The Beatles! He's on a que
Virtual Console Review (August 2008)
Columns by Myrtle T. Blinkin on
Those GOD DAMN hedgehogs are always eating my turnips. Ooooh, if I catch one, I will make you a hedgey sandwich. Or maybe a hog pie.
Virtual Console Review (July 2008)
Columns by Myrtle T. Blinkin on
You kids and your rock 'n’ roll. Whatever happened to greasy grimy gopher guts? GREASY GRIMY GOPHER GUTS!? DIRTY LITTLE BIRDY FEET!?!?!?
Virtual Console Review (June 2008)
Columns by Myrtle T. Blinkin on
You kids and your ninjas and your pirates. When will you learn that it's the flappers that will be the kings and queens of the dance floor!
Virtual Console Review (April 2008)
Columns by Myrtle T. Blinkin on
You’re a nasty boy! Don’t talk about my private area that way. You always leave a snapping turtle caged no matter how badly you want to throw old Mother Hubbard a bone.
Virtual Console Review (March 2008)
Columns by Myrtle T. Blinkin on
You know who is a super toucan? That Toucan Sam. It’s a shame his son went on to kill all those people, you know, Son of Toucan Sam. He stood proud and continued to sell cereal up until his death in 1984.
Virtual Console (February 2008)
Columns by Myrtle T. Blinkin on
Your Aunt Martha likes wolves. She adopts them, you know, has at least six or seven of them. They tear up her house something awful, though, and piss all over her furniture.
Virtual Console Review (September 2007)
Columns by Myrtle T. Blinkin on
What street is that on? Maple? I live on Maple. Is it on Maple? Is that where the Foodland used to be? You know they tore that down after those kids got sick.