GC Podcast #51: Just Another Podcast

Singing, talking about Disney cartoons, and sometimes mentioning videogames.

With content involving Tags , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ,


Finally, now that the GameCola 10th Anniversary Live Podtacular has been released in its entirety, we can have just another regular podcast. This month, we have Alex Jedraszczak, Michael Gray, Christian Porter, Nathaniel Hoover, Mark Freedman and Stuart Gipp talking about whatever it is that we usually talk about on podcasts. For example, take a sampling of topics from this bullet list:

So, there it is. Just another boring, old, normal podcast. No live this or podtacular that. Only people singing, talking about Disney cartoons, and sometimes mentioning videogames.

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10 votes, average: 8.90 out of 1010 votes, average: 8.90 out of 1010 votes, average: 8.90 out of 1010 votes, average: 8.90 out of 1010 votes, average: 8.90 out of 1010 votes, average: 8.90 out of 1010 votes, average: 8.90 out of 1010 votes, average: 8.90 out of 1010 votes, average: 8.90 out of 1010 votes, average: 8.90 out of 10 (You need to be a registered member to rate this post.)

About the Contributor

Since 2007

Alex "Jeddy" Jedraszczak is presiding Editor-in-Chief at GameCola, not only editing content but often writing it as well. On top of all this GameCola work, he also develops indie games.


  1. What, new podcast?! Awesome! Now I have something to listen to on the way to Vegas! Thanks! 🙂
    Expect another comment with my thoughts when I get home!

  2. Very entertaining! I really liked the WiiU discussion. I was trying not to burst out laughing in the car, or my family would think I was crazy… And I liked the Mega Man discussion too.
    Thanks guys!

  3. Haha, yay, my ADD-ness is adorable? Lol, thanks for answering my questions! Happy Wheels is a really weird game… You should look it up! It’s also pretty gory, I guess.

  4. Quick retraction—I think I heard someone say that you can only access The GameCola Podcast on iTunes using an Apple device. You can actually access it on any device that can run iTunes, be it PC, Mac or whatever.

  5. Oh! About my username: I was in eighth grade and going through my phase where I’d found all of my childhood favorite shows and I thought I was cool for using ‘grl’ instead of ‘girl.’ Now that I’m older (and a little wiser) I wish I could go back and change it to something better.

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