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A Kingdom for Keflings (XBLA)
Reviews by Christian Porter on
The Mario franchise probably wouldn't have the appeal it has today if it was just about an overweight Italian guy who liked to fondle mushrooms. (Not in the straight community, anyway.) Sonic the Hed
Rockin’ Pretty (DS)
Reviews by Matt Jonas on
If you take one look at Rockin' Pretty, you can tell instantly why I'm drawn to it (especially if you're familiar with my previous reviews for GameCola.) It might be girly, sure, but this isn't Love
New Videogame Releases for the Week of July 18th, 2010
News Posts by Paul Franzen on
Limbo, Samantha Swift and the Hidden Roses of Athena, Arc Rise Fantasia, Trackmania Wii, Zany Golf, Cats & Dogs: The Revenge of Kitty Galore, and more.
The Legend of Zelda: Spirit Tracks (DS)
Reviews by Nathaniel Hoover on
This might just be the most objective review of The Legend of Zelda: Spirit Tracks ever written. That's because I'm not so in love with any of the other Zelda games that I'm extra-critical or extra-fo
Fabricated News: Fire Emblem Remakes
News Posts by Michael Gray on
Fabricated News takes a look at the new Japanese Fire Emblem game, a remake of the first game in the series.
Flash Flood: Epic Mario
Columns by Nathaniel Hoover on
Epic. It's a word that's tossed around more than cabers in Scotland. EPIC WIN. EPIC FLAIL. "Dude, your snow cone is epic." It's hard to tell if the Internet even knows what epic really means anymore.
Fanfiction Roundup
Blog Posts by Michael Gray on
When did GameCola get a fiction section?
Slumber Party Part Two (sort of) Released!
Blog Posts by Paul Franzen on
Hey everyone, just wanted to let you know that the "We're Having a Slumber Party!" podcast has been appended to include more content. Rather than create a whole new podcast for the second part of our
Gamera Obscura: Pac-Boy & Mouse
Columns by Jeff Day on
You can barely find any knowledgeable source of information on this game, it's so lost in the bowels of time. But from what I gathered from the awful introduction is that a mouse has been beating up your girlfriend and now you, in your fit of rage, are solely devoted to avenging her by squashing all mice.