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Xenoblade Chronicles 2 (Switch)
Awful tutorials, confounding gameplay, questionable character design, and gacha mechanics. Hard to believe it's one of my favorite games, but it is. Here's why...
[NSFW] Black Sigil: Blade of the Exiled (DS)
So dutifully trying to be Chrono Trigger it's both admirable and depressing at the same time.
Sonic Generations (PC)
This is the ultimate omnibus edition of the Sonic Generations review. Bring some popcorn
Shall We Date?: Wizardess Heart (iOS)
The Harry Potter dating sim we've all been waiting for! Kind of.
[NSFW] Little Nicky (GBC)
Here's the movie-based videogame that nobody wanted, or expected! Prepare to be sickened, amazed and bewildered by Little Nicky, the game where you can play as the son of Satan himself! The movie this
Metal Arms: Glitch in the System (GCN)
After ten years, Daniel decides to revisit one of the most unique shooting games in his collection.
[NSFW] The Fantastic Adventures of Dizzy (NES)
I am not going to make one egg pun this entire review. Set your expectations now.
Snobow Kids Plus (PSX)
I'm grumpy, you know why?

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